Friday, 28 December 2012

mommy's little Christmas pudding

Thank you Auntie Anne for my Christmas pudding outfit. Mommy thinks I'm the cutest!
Let me work on my pout.
Hang on I found something to chew!
There we go.
My first Christmas!

presents time

I had no idea what was going on.
I found the best present - wrapping paper!

my first Christmas stocking

Personalized, no less! Thank you Auntie Anne!

Thursday, 27 December 2012

Christmas Eve

I did my back-crawl to check out the tree.

cuddle marathon

And I loved it!

cuddles please

I didn't want to watch this insy bitsy game.  I wanted cuddles!
Like now!
Oh no I was going to bang my head.  Whaaaaaaaa!

I love vistors

As I get endless cuddles!

I'm sitting

 I'm sitting.
 I'm sitting.
 I'm sitting.
 I'm sitting.
 Now I'm not.

The Great Escape

I almost made it to the door.
Then I got caught!

I can stand!

all wrapped up

All wrapped up in my space suit and an extra hat!

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

my space suit

Trying my space suit on before our trip to the UK. Do I look like my sister?

Friday, 21 December 2012


It was my first trip to Hong Kong Park.

nice view

Mommy took me out this morning. I wonder why? Nice view though.
I didn't know what was coming.  We were going to my doctor's appointment for my vaccines!
Oh well I wasn't too worried about needles after all. I cried for 2 seconds.


I love my jumperoo!  It runs in the family.